36 thoughts on “Cinema 10 Citizen Kane

  1. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Decker
    Student’s email: simpledecker@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 93%

    Citizen Kane told the story of Charles Kane, a man the world heard so much about yet when it came to his last words, left him shrouded in mystery. The film goes back and forth from present to past and point of view to point of view. This allowed the story of Charles Kane to unravel slowly as news reporters and the like tried to figure out what ‘Rosebud’ meant to him. Throughout the film we see a lot of scenes with deep focus which allows us to see many things at once. Perhaps that helped to demonstrate that there were a lot of things going on Kane’s life. The many scenes where a characters face was obscured by the shadows, brought about an air of mystery, for both the story and who it was about. Although Kane was surrounded by many people in the high point of his life, he ended up alone in his big house. Perhaps that is why all of the reporters wanted to know what ‘Rosebud’ meant to him. Because it was the last thing he had to give.


  2. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Miguel Garcia
    Student’s email: miguelgarciakc18@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%

    Citizen Kane, directed, produced, and co-authored by Orsen Welles, also the film’s star, is considered to be the best film ever made, and with good reason, I can see why after watching. The movie followed Charles Kane, a man who seems to be on top of the world and has anything any American could want…or so it seems at the start. The movie does it’s telling through flashbacks and accounts of those who were closest to Mr. Kane in order to help both ourselves and Jerry Thompson discover the meaning of the mysterious “rosebud”. Who to me, resembles a few characters and people in this world that i can relate him to, such as Mr. Gatsby, and Donald Trump. Anyways, what i appreciate about the film was the underlining messages spoken through the overall story about the pursuit of the American Dream and it’s high’s and low’s. I feel like the movie did a good job with it’s camera work, use and lack of lighting in certain scenes, to help illustrate the limits of “powerful” men such as Charles Foster Kane. The use of lighting is subtle and at times hard to put into words why it is the way it is, but i and a few of my fellow classmates would agree believe that character’s faces are at times darkened to help show their “dark side” no pun intended. I can very much appreciate this film as it was at times harder for me to deduce why Mr. Welles decided to film certain parts the way he did. In the end i can definitely see why this film receives the praise it does.


  3. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Kim Hertz
    Student’s email: helsinkiv@aim.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 87%

    Citizen Kane was about Charles Kane and his life from childhood until he died. The movie also having Mr. Thompson, a journalist, figure out what Kane meant by “Rosebud” when he died. Mr. Thompson asked the important people in Kane’s life at the time. Most of them said that they didn’t know but told quite a bit of background information about him and his life. It seemed like Kane was constantly trying to fill a void by buying all the things he did, such as the statues.


  4. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Jessica Vela
    Student’s email: jessica.vela24@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    The film Citizen Kane is a film about Charles Foster Kane furthermore his world of being a stimulating social publisher which turned into a pitiless power. The film takes us through many flash backs on Thompsons journey to try and figure out who his dying last word “Rosebud” is.
    As for the cinematic techniques, I saw several and we talked about several in class as well. When we are taken through the flashbacks, I noticed the long dissolved transitions.
    At the beginning of the film the setting was dark and creepy as they were showing us the castle and its surroundings. As a result this told us a little about Mr. Kane before we even saw him. For instance, I thought he was going to be a strange character.
    Lighting is a very important technique used in this movie, or deep composition. We often see that Mr. Kanes face is actually darker than everyone else to take the focus off of him which shows us that in this moment he is less important than everyone else.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Melissa Gumtang
    Student’s email: missy.gumtang@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    “Citizen Kane” is the story about the life of Charles Foster Kane. There are series of shots that lead to the close up of “Rosebud.” On the scene of his early childhood, he was sent away from his family to go to boarding school, but he didn’t want to go because he wants to stay with his family. It also includes nice sceneries like those big towers, a palace where he lives with his then wife, and a nice nightclub where his then wife performs. For the most part, the part that really appealed to me was Kane choosing his mistress over his wife and career.


  6. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Jacob
    Student’s email: jwurz1@students.solano.edu
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    Citizen Kane is a film that had made me critique and judge other movies and tv shows all weekend. I completely understand why this particular movie is considered one of the best movies of all time.

    It stands the test of time because of the way the film was shot. Innovative in it’s time and unique to me because I have never seen so many shots involving the lighting and backgrounds that still managed to push the story further. Keeping characters in shadows, or in light, managed to tell a sub-story within the story that pushed the story itself. The ceilings were unique too, making me wonder why that motif has never been parodied or recreated in anything I’ve ever seen.

    And the plot is still relatable today: a man who has everything the average person strives for craved the simplicity of his childhood by having his last word be about his childhood sled.


  7. This was the first time that I have seen Citizen Kane. I think that the reason Charles Foster Kane’s last word was Rosebud was because that was the name of his sled that he used to hit the man from the bank. The sled could represent the start of his new life and after he died the sled was thrown into the fire which probably means that now it is all over. The character Charles Foster Kane can be seen as being at the top of the world but throughout the movie we see his downfall. With everything he has others would assume he is happy but that is not the case. Kane and his first wife drifted apart and his second wife left him so in the end he was all alone in his palace.


  8. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Jason Clough
    Student’s email: jcsd83@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    The film Citizen Kane, directed and produced by Orson Welles (who also stars in it), is a story about a wealthy American who, despite achieving the American dream, fails to be happy. The film’s plot revolves around a reporter investigating Charles Foster Kane’s last word (Rosebud) by interviewing the people who knew him. The reporter is able to gain a better understanding of Kane’s life but fails to discover the meaning of Rosebud. Explicit meaning of the film is that throughout Kane’s life he is never really happy nor does he care about other people. The implicit meaning is that money cannot buy happiness and that the American dream might be a myth. Rosebud is a motif symbolizing Kane’s childhood, the moment he was really happy, and represents the motives behind his decisions. His actions throughout his life were partly a result of his desire to regain his childhood and to be loved. Pretending to be a man of the people Kane is portrayed as a selfish individual, who used his wealth in an attempt to “buy love”. This is shown during his work at The Inquirer, campaign for governor, and his interactions with his second wife. Despite using his money and resources to gain success, he remains empty and is unable to acquire his hidden desire. The film uses deep space as a cinematic tool to show the power dynamics between Kane and the people around him, implying that these people are as equally important as he is. One reason for this could be that despite Kane’s financial power and influence everyone is equal.

    The use of deep space connects with an implicit meaning that wealth does not make someone better than another. The inclusion of ceilings in the settings of specific scenes, such as his election party, metaphorically represents the barriers that restrain Kane and limit him from achieving what he desires. In his mansion the setting scale changes and the environment becomes larger in relation to the actors, which coincide with ceilings no longer appearing in the frame. By doing this the film reinforces the mansion as visually representing Kane’s own world and isolation. The scene when Kane is sitting in a spatially large living room on a chair distanced from his wife emphasizes Kane’s circumstances. The exaggerated scale represents Kane’s strained relationship with his wife, similar to the increasing size of the dinner table during the scenes with his first wife. It also shows that despite achieving what he “wants” in the creation of his own world Kane remain empty and alone.

    Jason E


  9. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Ashley Stern
    Student’s email: ashley.mae459@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 93%

    The film “Citizen Kane” shows many ceilings through out the film. The ceilings represent the limits Kane faces in his life. Kane thinks he needs everything he wants, but he can not achieve his goal of getting everything that he wants. This is why ceilings are shown a lot during the film.


  10. uiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: jeff R
    Student’s email: jrutland78@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 90%

    citizen Kane is considered as one of the best movies of all time. they way it was shot and directed is supposed to be a head of its time. i myself see why it was but all of the things went way over my head. like all the ceiling shots, i get showing that he was an important person but i do not get the fact that they have to show it of in every scene.


  11. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Luis Perez
    Student’s email: thatdudedavii@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 80%

    “Citizen Kane” is a movie I’ve never seen before or heard much about. The movie follows a journalist known as Mr. Thompson who follows leads into figuring out what the final words of Charles Foster Kane a man well known throughout all of America apparently had meant. Rosebud a single word that could have had a thousand meanings was almost impossible to uncover, when in fact it was the sled of Charles Kane that he had when he was a boy, I interpreted this as his only happiness due to the fact that he was taken away from his family to be rich but being rich doesn’t always mean being happy, he was happier as a boy playing outside than he was building palaces for a woman who didn’t appreciate materialistic objects. The film shows many ceilings almost as a motif and may show Charles Kane’s journey to happiness but as the film goes on the ceilings get higher and higher as if he’s becoming more depressed in a way.


  12. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Austin Agudelo
    Student’s email: austin_agudelo416@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    Citizen Kane is a film most people to this day can relate to even though this movie is over 50 years old. Charles Kane let the brokenness of his family, especially his mom sending him away, impact the relationships he makes throughout his life in the film. The lighting at some points in the film was very dim on Mr. Kane and i think the reason behind that is to show how dark of a person he has become from the beginning to the end. He let the money and fame take over his life and it slowly destroyed him to pieces. He even put his wife through humiliation just so he can make money off of her singing and become even more rich and famous. Citizen Kane really brings out a problem people still face today in this generation. That some people are willing to put good relationships and their own life on the line just for cash, something that wont last long.


  13. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Mikaela T.
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    Citizen Kane uses ceilings as a motif to highlight the barriers associated with success, happiness, and wealth. After Kane’s political career is ended with news of his infidelity with Susan Alexander, the scene within the Interpreter’s office emphasizes ceilings to show the climax of Kane’s life. In theory, this was the point where he had gone as far as his successes would allow him and had nowhere to go but spiraling down after that.


  14. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Elizabeth Stetson
    Student’s email: elizabethstetson12@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 17
    Percent correct: 100%
    As many others, I have not seen nor head of the film “Citizen Kane” before, but after watching of course I believe many reasons justify how the film has brought new ways of cinematography techniques and how the film is arguably considered one of the best movies of all time.
    The story itself is basically revolving around man chasing the American dream. He works to the top and is a wealthy man but of course isn’t happy in the end. The plot duration is approximately a week while the story duration is over seventy years, constantly going into flashbacks in Charles Kane’s life.
    Within the plot, a news reporter is trying to get into details of Kane’s life trying to figure out why his dying word was “Rosebud” but fails. Through flashbacks and certain shots the director allows us to see, we find out “Rosebud” was a sled, symbolizing his childhood. Because his parents sent him away although he didn’t want to leave, he never achieved true happiness. Kane wanted love which is why he thought he could buy love being the wealthy important man he was.
    This film shows many cinematic techniques that allow us to put together details and the underlying meaning the director is trying to show us. Such as the deep focus composition, Characters in scenes were in full focus no matter how near or far to show the equal importance, taking attention away from Kane. Another message was also being carried through the way the frame showed the ceilings at most times. The ceilings may have represented how Kane was always trying to get what he wanted but somehow could not get through a barrier (which ties back to his yearning for happiness).
    Lastly, a scene I was drawn to for its technique was the dinner table scene. When Kane has breakfast with his first wife, they are happy together in the beginning, having normal conversation. But, as time goes by camera shot gets wider with the dinner table and represents how they are less attached and eventually falling apart. The table that was also filled with flowers turns into less and less and eventually replaces as metal to show how their relationship is negative and not full of life anymore. I liked how these short shots subliminally helps us analyze our selves what is going on.


  15. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Maria Salazar
    Student’s email: lupe.salazar94@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%
    In the movie citizen kane many deep focus shots where use and mostly when kane was in personal isolation it gave a clear view of the space kane was in. Deep focus engages having the whole space of the frame and its helpful for overlapping action. The movie was very dramatic they use very low lighting for the background and more lighting on the characters faces. for being my second black and white film it was a good movie overall.


  16. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Jovanny Medina
    Student’s email: Jovannymedina15@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 90%

    “Rosebud” Mr. Kanes last word before he died, but what or who is Rosebud? Through out the whole movie I thought Rosebud was a person Kane was close too but Noone knew who it was until we saw the final scene of the movie when all of Mr. Kanes belongings where being set on fire and we saw the sled he was riding when he was a kid with the name “Rosebud” written on it. Mr. Kanes Butler told the detective that he believed Rosebud was someone or something he never got the chance to get a hold of. I belive Rosebud is Mr. Kanes childhood because it was taken away from him as a kid to be raised to become a wealthy man, he never found happiness with his wealth so he spent the rest of his life looking for the happiness he so desperately wanted. Rosebud the life Kane was ment to live.



  17. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: lance martinson
    Student’s email: lance.martinson@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    the movie citizen kane was about a walk through of the life of charles foster kane! but the plot is separate altogether, when kane died the last words he said were “rosebud” and the whole world wanted to know what these words meant.. but it was a mystery! so throughout the film it went back in forth from kane during his youth all the way through the time he died and then after he died when the reporters were trying to figure out what his last words meant… although no one was able to come up with an answer! rosebud was the name of a sled charles had as a child! as and adult you could tell charles was not very happy with his life, so in his final moments i guess he was just trying to think of a time in his life where he was truly happy.


  18. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Ajaypal Singh
    Student’s email: Singhajaypal95@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100

    This movies is about the Mr. Kane who wants everything perfect and as popular as he can get it. This story is told by a reporter in the movie Citizen Kane. The way it tell the story is really. As the reporter goes around to the people who where really close to Mr. Kane and asking the them what does his last words meant. In the whole movie, Is just doesn’t show the interview with one person and waited until his story telling was finished. It goes to all these different people and I think the way the director did this is because one it’s different then just of couple of interviews and something different in the movies. To me it looked like the way he did this is like telling Mr. Kane story is like how things goes in the row and the way he lived his life. So it just don’t end up like puzzle and making all the peacea together. Rather then we do it, I think director did this for us. I like the way they used the low-angle a lot because it showed how powerful Mr. Kane is. Overall this is movie was great and even great in black and white. I think Rosebud means to be happy because that was Mr. Kane wanted not wealth.


  19. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Justin Edwards-Lantican
    Student’s email: justiin_ryan@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 93%

    The film Citizen Kane is one many can relate to in this generation. Charles Kane, is very wealth and lets money get the best of him throughout the movie. His past of him growing up played a big impact on how he becomes the man he was. The way he was portrayed by not only his acting, but by the way the lighting was during certain shots pointed out that he wasn’t one to be trusted. Certain scenes the lighting would make his face mostly black and the others around him bright, as the film is secretly trying to tell the audience something about Kane. Money can ruin a person and take over their life which is a problem people face today.


  20. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Zackary Kehr
    Student’s email: zacktactoe@aol.com
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%

    Citizen Kane had low lighting in most of its scenes that enhanced the darkness in the plot of the movie. Since the whole movie was about yellow journalists investigating the death of a yellow journalist who stood against the distrustful newspapers that they work for, and they listen to anecdotes on his life spiraling out of control, the movie’s tone is dark from the beginning. Citizen Kane used mise en scene and German Expressionism enhance the mental disorder that Kane was internalizing throughout the movie.


  21. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Frank Dela Rosa
    Student’s email: frankcdelarosa@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 93%

    The movie Citizen Kane is a fantastic tale about the life of a super wealthy rich man who was a newspaper publisher that was “put on” by mr. Thatcher. He was famous and looked up to for the beginning of the movie, as we learned the camera angles and lighting, he was depicted as a guy who’s “higher up”. But like most movies the main character has his epic downfall, which in this case for him he lost his wife and all his things in the end. This movie shows how money doesnt really mean anything in the end. I believe he said Rosebud at the end before he died because that was the one thing he loved.


  22. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Brayan Ambriz
    Student’s email: ambrizbrayan96@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 90%

    Another movie that I loved! Citizen Kane is the life of Charles Foster Kane, the owner and publisher for a newspaper that becomes the most read paper of that period. His life doesn’t start of that way as he is poor but ends up becoming rich after being taken from his family by Mr. Thatcher. The twist at the end where it is revealed that his sled is acutually rosebud is interesting because I thought it was gonna be a woman he loved. Overall I definelty recommend this movie to anyone


  23. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Malik Flores
    Student’s email: dustypwny@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 93%

    Citizen Kane is, quite literally, a movie about a sensational American citizen that everyone had thought was living the good life thanks to his unique persona and outward projection to others. However, this wouldn’t have accomplished at all if he hadn’t left behind “Rosebud”, or what we later find out is the name of his sled. When analyzing that scene, we can clearly make the connection of Mr. Kane’s last desire passing on with him: his childhood.
    The movie’s extensive use of “rule of thirds” and “negative space” also adds deeper meaning to the movie, especially the shots where we watch Kane and Emilia slowly drift apart from one another as his career at the newspaper thrives.
    Lightning was another major part of what made many of the shots memorable about the movie, with Mr. Kane being the subject of being lit up by what some would say a “heavenly” light, or darkened at certain points of the movie. This was used multiple times to emphasize the impact what he thought of himself at some moments in his life. Still, my favorite scene that used a bit of lighting is the “clapping” scene, just because it really conveys how he felt coming towards the end of his life.
    Lastly, deep-space composition also played a major role in many of the shots we saw throughout the movie, usually used to emphasize Kane’s presence and his personality among the rest of his company in a room for an example. While this is a strategy employed in cinema to create balance, it’s opposite use was also apparent throughout the film as well.
    All in all, the composition of the shots throughout this movie were very memorable and almost pleasing to the eyes and minds, and it allowed us to pick up what was going in Kane’s character. While there are other parts to making a great movie, I believe this played a major part in why Citizen Kane is one of the best movies in history.


  24. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Tobias Guidry
    Student’s email: tobiasguidry@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Tobias Guidry
    Student’s email: tobiasguidry@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    I believe the ceiling represents his “pedestal” and his strife to reach higher. In certain shots, with the deep space composition and showing the pedestal, the low-angle shot to show ceiling, for success, everyone in the shot is in focus saying that they can all reach for the pedestal, anyone can take it with the same chance as Kane. It can also be said that the pedestal doesn’t just represent success but also happiness.
    I see Rosebud as a reminder of when he was taken from home, the moment that changed his life forever. Kane, at the time of his death reflects on Rosebud. He is just wondering and wanting to go back to the time when he was with his family, before money and power corrupted him.


  25. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Alyssa Miller
    Student’s email: blueyez02@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%
    So I really enjoyed this movie, it’s probably one of my favorite black and white films. Mr. Kane’s whole demeanor was pretty interesting to me. His last wife seemed kind of whiny to me, but that’s here and there. I never would’ve thought that the rose bud would be his sleigh from when he was younger but it makes sense because that was a happy, care free part of his life that he probably wishes he could get back to.


  26. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Kevin Vasquez
    Student’s email: Kevinvasq@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 90%

    Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Kevin Vasquez
    Student’s email: Kevinvasq@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 90%

    I have always heard of how great of a movie Citizen Kane was, but I never got a chance to see it until this class and I really enjoyed it. The way the film design was thought out was genius and very groundbreaking of its time. Throughout the film the ceilings played a big part of the emotion Kane felt and radiated during the film. Usually when the camera is at a low angle its showing power to the characters, but in this film it makes the characters look weak instead. This was very different than what the normal was in the film making industry. Also the way many times Kane was portrayed in the deep compensation shots still showed him in power even though he was small in prospective. For a black and white movie I did enjoy this a lot, it was truly and American classic.


  27. I was in awe of this film, Citizen Kane. Orson Wells is a genius with great imagination and artistry. The film’s settings evoked my emotions. The Production Designer had the joy of visualizing the process, making it a reality, and probably has one of the largest budgets. To work closely with the Director researching properties, determining lighting as well as costumes wouldn’t seem like work as an administrator. And to have different ideas which will happen the, PD can take precedence over narrative to complement the mise-en-scene. Deep space focus was introduced: having characters/objects framed in the front and appearing deep in the background which we saw the opening shot the young Citizen Kane was clearly (focused) playing in the snow. I loved the oversized furniture, great symbolism; Great film!


  28. Just realized I took the 10 Q. version, not the 15 Q. one. Here are my new results:
    Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Zackary Kehr
    Student’s email: zacktactoe@aol.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%


  29. I’m not sure what it is but I’m not a big fan of these types of movies. I sometimes wonder why movies like Citizen Kane are filmed they way they are filmed. I did enjoy the way lighting was used in that scene when Kane was exposed for having a mistress. I like how when he was exposed, we saw a darker side of Kane. I figured early on that “rosebud” was tied into his past because it seems as though that was the only time he didn’t think of himself as much.

    Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Jordan Vang
    Student’s email: jordanvang@hotmail.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%


  30. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 05
    Student’s name: Jasmine Campbell
    Student’s email: jcampb101612@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 93%

    In the film Citizen Kane it describes the life of a wealthy newspaper tycoon. The life long coverage starts when Kane is young and he discovers that his mother is sending him away. When Kane grows up and enters his wealth he becomes a sort of selfish character who is always tryino to persuade people to do what he wants with money. He doesn’t take no very well either. The directors and editors of this film seem to favor dark shadowS and dark lighting to depict a turning point I Kane’s life. For example this is done when his first wife discovers his afair. Kane’s choice retirement spot called Xanadu is also edited to be a dark place. I think that has to do with the over all lonely feeling in Kane’s life and the realization that money and power truly cannot buy happiness.


  31. Quiz Name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s Name: Samantha T Navarrete Silva
    Student’s Email: snavar11@students.solano.edu
    Number of Questions: 15
    Percent Correct: 93%

    In the film “Citizen Kane” we see a vast variety of angle shots but the the one we see the most would be low angle shots. The way low angle shots are used are not only to make Kane look powerful but also to capture different the ceilings displayed all through the movie. The ceiling’s implicit meaning is the limitations or lack of limitations that one character has the ceilings confine the character and low angles are necessary. It seems that they use a lot of wide angle lenses during certain conversation with Kane the rest of the cast, they make Kane seem closest to camera and the rest of the cast a bit further.


  32. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Devinder Bans
    Student’s email: Bansdevinder@yahoo.com
    Number of questions: 17
    Percent correct: 100%

    An interesting aspect about this film was the identity of “Rosebud”. It was not a man but the sled Kane would ride when he was a child. This to me meant, throughout all his immense success what Kane really sought out was what was taken from him so long ago. His home and family. He had everything expect what he truly desired. As we see Kane change throughout his life, we notices how his character changes. At first, he seems happy, but as the money piles up, he becomes colder. I feel like this movie is conveying the cliche message of “money does not buy happiness”. I like the symbolic use of ceiling to represent limitations. Kane may have been a big shot, but at the end of the day he is still just a man. Just like any man he will die.


  33. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 06
    Student’s name: Garaude Valeriy, Nicolas
    Student’s email: garaude.nicolas@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    Citizen Kane is a movie from Orson Welles it relates the story about a wealthy American who, achieving the American dream, fails to be happy.
    Explicitly the film shows that despite Kane’s life, he is never really happy or care about other people. The inner meaning is that money cannot buy happiness and that the American dream is superficial. Even using his money and resources to gain success, he still is empty and is unable to achieve his real desires: to be loved and happy as his childhood remembered him.
    The deep space effect is used here as a cinematic tool to show the power dynamics between Kane and his surroundings, giving us a perspective showing that these people are as equally important as he is. The explanation for this choice would be the desire of the producer to show that t despite Kane’s financial power and influence everyone is equal. The mansion represents Kane’s own world and isolation. In a scene were Kane is sitting in a large living room far from his wife emphasizes his situation of isolation. This accentuates Kane’s cold relationship with his wife, similarly to the increasing size of the dinner table that projects the same idea. It also shows that despite achieving what he “wants” in the creation of his own world Kane remain empty and alone in a gigantic castle of solitude and absence of love.
    A movie questioning american values and lifestyle this was very inspiring to me i enjoyed re watching it in class. Everyone should see this movie once.


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