38 thoughts on “English 97: Man with a Movie Camera

  1. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 09
    Student’s name: ifenna chukwuemeka
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 93%


  2. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Jina Park
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    The movie, The Man with the Movie Camera, is made in 1929. Given that it is very old film, this is really incredible job. It shows some steps to make films and huge machines, and this film’s cinematography is pretty wonderful. This is because we could feel some people’s emotion with their smile or serious face. Also, the editing of the movie give the viewers the feeling of speed. Although I am not sure that the film has specific story, there is a structure: history of human beings from industrial society to modern era which is civilized. Therefore, the audiences can look through the development of society with people’s fashion, the style of architectures. In addition, the feeling of speed is faster towards the end, because editing manipulates the pace. The camera films some techniques, routine lives, normal scenery at the time, mass-production such as cigarette in the plant, and the other things which could not be special, but this old film presents the progress of techniques and its society.


  3. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 09
    Student’s name: Miguel Garcia
    Student’s email: MiguelGarciaKC18@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%
    Man with a Movie Camera, directed and edited by Dziga Vertov and his wife is a expirmental/silent film made in 1929. The film follows a man with a movie camera slung over his shoulder capturing via film the everyday urban life of his city. This film had no real dialogue and no “main character” aside from well…the man with a movie camera. But what we really see in this film is its great use of special effects for that given time. Apparently the Russians were practically pioneers in special effects and we really see that proven here. With many literal “cut and paste” film reels. He theme of this movie as we discussed in class was more or less how man and machine coexist, as we see a lot of double exposures with people and machines. This film isn’t my first choice for a movie to watch but for what it was trying to accomplish from an analysts perspective, it was fun and challenging to try to deduce. My hat off to Vertov and his wife for their dedication to starting and finishing this project that despite had no real plot had much symbolism, like the close up shots of eyes, double exposures of man machine and the hustle and bustle.


  4. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 09
    Student’s name: Hillary Folsom
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%

    Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Hillary Folsom
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 93%

    (Sorry for chapter 9 quiz being late!)

    Man With a Movie Camera held a unique perspective of what could be considered “a film language” even though it had a documentary feel to it and there wasn’t any talking in the film. The way that everyone was portrayed- the athletes, the children, the common hustle and bustle of everyone going about their everyday lives- was captured in such a different way that had its own artistic feel that I enjoyed. It personally took a little effort to be fully interested in it but after a while, I developed a sort of appreciation for it in that it was a sort of propaganda-like film that showed that a place like Russia could keep thriving through all the stress that country went through in that time period. The way that the director caught certain moments and put emphasis on certain actions or people was especially interesting to me and overall well put together for the time that it was created.


    • I got to excited and pressed post comment.
      Man with a movie camera was an interesting film, it has no actors and no story. This was my second time watching the film. My first time I fell asleep, typical experimentation with film with no words, no acting , no story to follow it was catchy. This time I tried extremely hard to pay attention to detail and to see the bigger picture. As a filmmaker I knew he shot probably 3 times the length of the movie. What I tried to figure out is what made him choose those shots and most importantly why did he choose to put it together the way he did. He was able to grab two completely different shots and put them together to make some sense. Overall the film was a very experimental film which can be expressed in many different ways but I like to see it as a film which was meant to shoot anyone and anything in front of them and try to make some sense of out it.


  5. Man with a Camera was definitely an interesting, but hard film to watch. The use of double exposure and split screen were nice techniques to use, but silent films are hard to watch. the idea that the man is following everyone with the camera and the focus on the eye are all interesting aspects of this film. I really likes the shots and how they are so different. This film is obviously an experimental film, which I do like, but it seems to drag on even though the shots are complex. I still wanted to watch this film, but I did notice myself spacing out at times even though I wanted to focus. It seems like silence films are tricky and I applaud this film for catching my attention at points.


  6. This was my first time watching ‘Man with a Camera’ and I am not sure if I liked it to be completely honest. I was definitely interested as the movie played because I was trying to figure out what was going on in the film. The silent film was trying to portray the message of the industrialization of the world. This was a time where man and machine were working together more than ever before and the director was trying to say that this was a good thing. You almost see a synchronized motion when the film shows the scenes of a person working with a machine to produce a product. I believe the film did execute double exposure and split screen shots, which added tremendously to the film. The constant shot of the eye looking at the world also added a powerful message of the camera’s ability to capture everything that was going on in the world. It symbolizes how the footage becomes an eye for the view to witness what was going on during that place and time in history.


  7. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Joseph LeClaire
    Student’s email: leclairejoe@comcast.net
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    Man with a movie camera is a film directed by Dziga Vertov with the purpose of showing urban life in soviet cities. This film is very neo-realist in the way it was shot. This was the second time I’ve seen this movie. The first time I think just about everything was explained to me. This movie is propaganda made to show of the life in soviet cities. The machines represent progress and how modern the soviets are. Other shots are meant to show athletic they along with how rich urban life is for the soviets. Still there were some very nice cinematic techniques applied in the film. Very impressive considering it was made in 1929. Good job Vertov.


  8. Man with a Movie Camera was an interesting and unique film for me. While it is not my favorite silent film (that goes to The Gold Rush), I still really enjoyed it!

    I liked how the film was written (documentaries still have a script right?) so that the audience occasionally saw the ‘man with a movie camera.’ I liked that it sort of gave the audience a ‘behind the scenes look’ at the movie and how some of the shots were filmed.

    Speaking of behind the scenes, this film was edited in such a way so that it somewhat showed the process of editing. It did this by not only recording the editor working in the edit bay, but unless I am remembering incorrectly, it also would occasionally freeze frame as if you were the editor looking at a single frame. After a few seconds, the film would continue like normal.

    I really enjoyed the cinematography in the scene that showed the couple getting their marriage certificate and then later getting a divorce. When they were getting the marriage certificate, the scene was shot from a wider angle showing the couple together in the shot. However, once they were getting a divorce, they were no longer showed in the same shot, each person was shot separately closer up, signifying that they were now no longer together.


  9. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Bryanna Moreno
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    Man with a Movie Camera was great at showing rather everyday occurrences and hinting at a lot of meaning with no dialogue to influence it but just the shots. The scene with the young woman working hard and fast inter-cut with her smiling face shows that she is happy working and that she also happens to be good at what she does. The scene with the marriage and divorce licenses shows the engaged couple happy and both of them in the frame at the same time showing them together physically and metaphorically while the divorcing couple are upset and after the establishing shot of the two of them are never shown in the same frame again being split up in marriage and in the shot. Lastly the scene with the most implicit meaning is the one where the smiling woman is covering herself with mud while a rich woman in pearls looks on in disgust but it doesn’t bother the muddy woman she is still happy because at this time in the Soviet Union the higher classes are no longer the top dogs and it doesn;t matter what the rich woman thinks of her.


  10. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Neha Khan
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    Man with a Movie Camera by director Dziga Vertov is apparently a documentary but seemed very avant-garde to me. It’s fast paced editing, double exposures and split screens seem to me random at times and really makes the audience wonder about the meaning.

    This film was filmed in Russia and was meant to be a propaganda for communism and unity in new Russia. The shot with the women happily playing in the mud and of the bored women in pearls create an implicit meaning that one does not need separators like money to enjoy life in new Russia. It also features people working in the industrial field and this seems to hint at message of progress. That man and machine can be one. It has suggestions of feminism with the implicit shots of showing the women in the factory with a huge smile doing her job quick and efficiently. I guess this can be classified as a documentary because the directors make an effort to actually show the video making and editing process through the freeze frame and transition into the editing hub where we see a women literally cutting and pasting reels together.

    It was an interesting silent film and probably really revolutionizing but Man with a Movie Camera just gave me a headache, however we can appreciate it’s unique take on movie editing.


  11. “Man with a Movie Camera” can be seen as a communist film, but it could also just be seen as a film celebrating the collaboration of Russian human beings and machinery. Some of the images shown were confusing like the shot of the camera man in a beer glass, but I got the general meaning of them. It was interesting to see the use of split screen and double exposed shots of the film. They made the film look artistic and gave it deeper meaning. Even though the film was without sound I could almost hear the hustle and bustle of cars and people by the fasted paced images. Sound was portrayed in a scene of the film by the movement of spoons and an extreme close up of a mouth singing. Although I couldn’t hear it, I understood the feeling of it. The film made me look at sound in a new way.


  12. I found myself intrigued at many points in the film, with the uses of editing techniques like double exposure and split screen. There were some very interesting images in the film. The meaning of the film seemed to be rooted around Communist propaganda, but maybe more than that it was Russian propaganda, praising how Russia is progressing technologically and their system is being to work like a machine, and the humans within the system are acting machine-like. There is definitely a comment or statement about the relationship between human and machine. The changing perspectives in the film is also to be noted.


  13. Quiz Name:Looking at Movies,4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s Name: Ryan Hrabak
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent Correct: 100%

    I have watched this before in your editing class and it is a lot more fun to watch this movie without having to write down a shot list. I really like this movie, it’s a lot of fun to listen to on mute and paired with different music. The rhythm of the edits and the shot seltection makes for a pretty fun film despite being a soviet propaganda film. One of my favorites of the semester so far…


  14. ‘Man with a Movie Camera’ aimed to utilize only those techniques of presentation and creation of meaning which are exclusive to film. By rejecting narration, characters, a screenplay, or constructed sets, it relies entirely on the positioning of the camera and editing. The effect is more visceral than cerebral at times, as if bearing witness to flashes of images one barely has time to comprehend. By repeating certain visual motifs, such as double exposing or crosscutting between humans and machines, an overall theme is built from what appears to be a somewhat random collection of footage at first. In isolation, the shot of a woman getting out of bed lacks any meaning but the explicit action. Within the context of the sequence of machines starting, and the city beginning its hustle and bustle, the woman waking up functions as a piece in an abstracted puzzle referring to the beginning of the day for human industry. This film essentially argues that editing is the true, core art of film, independent of literature and theater, and beyond photography in its ability to construct a montage of context and motion.


  15. This was my first time seeing Man With a Movie Camera. I am surprised at how impressed I am by the film. I found it very interesting and followed along as if the screen, the camera, and my eyes were one seeing all the film had for us the audience see. The cinematography of the film was what immediately struck me. There’s a spectrum of shots at different speeds that happened and sometimes were on screen at the same time, making double exposures into quadruple exposures. Then there were shots that created a form-content relationship between how the shot is shot and what is actually happening in the shot. I especially remember the juxtaposition of the two couples. One couple who were filing marriage papers and one couple who were filing divorce papers. In the shot with the couple getting married, they were in one single shot, symbolizing their unity. Whereas the couple getting divorced, they were in separate shots, symbolizing their disconnection. I found that to be clever and interesting. But, the most memorable shot to me was the double, triple exposure shots of a woman’s eye over the lens of the camera. That shot right there affirmed how the film was making me feel. Like my eyes were the camera, were the lenses filming. Overall, the film captivated me.


  16. The film Man with a Movie Camera uses fast paced editing to illustrate the hectic and rapid expansion created by progress, industrialization, and advancing technology. The growing cities of working class citizens was the majority of scenes depicted and showed the transition to a greater appreciation for those who toil in the real world. One of the scenes that lingered after the bombardment and sensory overload of the film was the alternating of shots juxtaposing a woman working with a woman at a salon. The more affluent woman is perceived as lazy and entitled while the working woman is viewed as hardworking and industrious. This also adopts a transitioning feminist observation of women in the work force.


  17. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 09
    Student’s name: Taylor Lee
    Student’s email: taylorlee2@csus.edu
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%

    The Man with a Camera is a silent film with no dialogue, but it does have meanings. This film has a lot of short pictures put together to symbolize the fast pace of life and how hectic life can be. What was so interesting was that the images revolved around the same meaning, the director either made the pictures faster, slower, put them in a different perspective or put different images into the main message to show variety. The big meanings implied how boring an everyday work day is, how it is so repetitive and long, but at the same there were pictures of people on the beach and having a good time. This symbolized that life can be boring, but it is worth it because of the good times and that you can escape from the busy work life and relax and enjoy life. He did these pictures in slow motion or slow to implicate that having a good time is not the same as working all day everyday.


  18. This was my first time seeing man with a movie camera. For me, it was really fast passed and kind of disorienting to me. It starts out at looking like just a bunch of random shots put together, but as the movie progresses, you realize that its really about how machines and humans can work together as one. There is also another theme apparent in the movie about how you don’t always have to have money and things to be happy and have a good time. There is a scene in the money where it showing a rich woman at the beach as perceived a “snobby” and “lazy”. In the next shot there is a woman smothering herself in mud, and looking like she is having a much better time than the woman wearing the pearls to the beach.


  19. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Jonathan Patton
    Student’s email: JonathanPatton@csus.edu
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    What’s interesting about ” Man with a Movie Camera ” is how Vertov replaces the cameraman with an actual camera, as if the two are almost inseparable. We see an example of this Around, ~42mins into the film where the camera lays down on the street (presumably to film a policeman who is directing traffic in left frame), then we cut to a car horn be honked, then quick cut back to previous scene with the man gone, replaced with the camera in the same hunched position on a tripod. This editing decision supports the overall theme of Man and Machine working in tandem.Vertov’s doesn’t simply have the machines be a tool for humanity, but rather that they are their own separate entities. We see this throughout the film where Vertov will cut to a machine whirring and rotating, then cut a worker and then cut back to the machine, then to a shot of the worker with the machine. This show’s Vertov’s respect for technology and machines by featuring them in an almost equal amount of shot lengths as the workers that Vertov is portraying.

    Since this film was a creation as a result of the Soviet Union, that must be apart of the conversation when analyzing “Man with a Movie Camera”. If interpret the film as Soviet propaganda, There is also seems to be a commentary about how Soviets stress the importance of recreation, play and relaxation in the film. ~40mins into the film, after a quick paced sequence of machinery whirring and cars whizzing by the camera, Vertoz slows down the pace of the film. Transitioning this sequence by literally having the machines slowdown to a stop, then showing a series of shots in which the workers are cleaning themselves, then holding a longer shot of a tree shadowing the sun. After which has a quick cut to a whistle blow steam, which can be taken literally as how the film is about to “blow off some steam” or depressurize after the quick pacing and edits of the earlier sequence. As Man with a Movie Camera can be interpreted as a “day-in-the-life” of Soviets, it’s reasonable to interrupt this 10 min section of the film in relation to the entirety of the length of the film. This sequence take a whole 1/6th of this 1 hour film, which means that the Soviets place such and important piece of recreation that Vertov will dedicated a whole section just documenting Soviets in play/sports.


  20. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Travis Bishop
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%

    Man with a Camera was an interesting silent film. The relation of industry and machinery such as the multiple shots of buses or trolleys through the city to humans was very interesting. After watching this film people can take what they want from it in a negative or positive way. I believe it was sort of in between, the use of machinery has allowed us to mass produce goods which allows companies to thrive but also lowers the amount of employees that company needs to produce the goods. The movie didn’t seem to have a main focal point until i started thinking about what the meaning of the film was, which was somewhat clear about halfway through the film. I found the film to be a professional version of the style of movie Mr. Brainwash cut together before Banksy took over in Exit Through the Gift Shop. The use of double exposures was interesting in the film and seemed to show how much machinery is relied on in modern times, being the early 1900’s.


  21. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Kaitlin Chin
    Student’s email: kaitlin.v.chin@gmail.com
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%

    I have seen Man With A Movie Camera a few times in different film classes. I think that although this film is basically a long montage without any dialogue, it does create meaning in the ways it was edited. The way parts of the film were sped up were interesting, but at times difficult to watch. However, I do understand that it is likely Vertov opted for the fast-paced film speed to highlight the productivity that could be achieved by implementing more machinery into the workforce. They sped up the footage of the factory worker as well, but it did not have the same effect as it did on the machinery. The contrast between social classes was also an interesting part of the film (ex. the women in pearls vs the nude women covered in mud), but to be honest, I did not completely understand what Vertov was trying to say. My favorite shot was the man with the camera superimposed over the city. That double exposure was very beautiful and symbolic of how Vertov must have felt shooting this film. My least favorite part was the sped up shot of the baby being born, that I could have done without.


  22. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 09
    Student’s name: Savannah Jossart
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%

    Man with a Movie Camera is definitely a trip. It takes you through Russia in a documentary style experimental film. It it praised by many for its use of editing.It has such power and energy to it that one can’t help but look away. The audience could get too mesmerized by the film that they miss the overall message.That man and Machine can work together that is why it is called the man with a movie camera. A man and his machine working together to create something beautiful. In my option the film went on longer then it needed to, when the beach scene happened i feel that it was too far and it really already made its point. For its time it was revolutionary with freeze frames, to slow motion to splits and dissolves. Overall it was a interesting silent film, i wouldn’t willingly watch it again but I’m glad I saw it.


  23. Man with a camera is the best action documentary i have ever seen. it was the best silent film i have ever seen. I really liked the fast pace cinematography style to keep the audience interested. The editing also plays a key role to sync the music with the appropriate clips and clip speed. while there was no acting, The close ups shots of working people of Russia, really captures their emotions and mind state. wither it was filming them at work or out for a car ride. The ending was a great climax, for a film that was about nothing.


  24. Man With a Movie Camera is definitely one of the more wild films I have seen. The documentary style filming definitely gives it a much different feel than most silent films of that time period. The editing of the film only made it that much more powerful. One of my favorite sequence was the one with were shots of industrial machines were spliced together with those of the factory workers. This brings us back to the topic in class about whether or not it is celebrating machines. I believe it is. There’s a harmony between the clips and I think that the editor did that to reflect their opinions. This film also makes me appreciate the art of editing, especially at the time. Each strip had to be physically cut and pasted together to make one timeline. The film features a lot of quick cuts and fast sequences so I give my highest praise to the editor.


  25. Man With a Movie Camera was a intriguing silent movie. Through montages, the director tries to represent the society in a null point of view of a camera. In the sequence that shows some women working and others taking care of the hair and nails, the director shows that the women, without losing hers vanity and characteristics, were the labor and the force of a huge part of the industry in that time. In the shot that the camera appears bigger than normal over the crowd, in a double exposure effect, the director makes clear the omnipotent characteristic of the man with the movie camera, which increase the documentary characteristics of this film.


  26. The editing for Man with a movie camera impressed me most throughout the film as well as the performance of the real time documentary and filming. I was able to enjoy the film even at the fast pace tone that was set. With raw footage it showed the true meaning of the empowerment the country at the time had over its people i feel like it was a strong film with even stronger messages to imply.


  27. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Chad Heredia
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 70%

    Man with the movie camera is very well made. There are so many shots even some for only a moment, I appreciate that attention to detail. watching it in class while we were 20 minutes in i thought oh crap its gonna be like this the whole time. What the movie did a good job of is keeping attention while being redundant. It did this by transitioning into somewhat different things like the scene with the people playing sports where everything slows down and it shows humans interacting. this was my favorite scene because the movie needed a break in action like that and even showed some slow motion. I think they did this because most of the movie is meant to show the fast pace of a work day then the relaxation afterwards. also the compare and contrast to human and machine was interesting, i don’t believe that they were trying to portray the dominance of machine, by having that beach scene it did quite the opposite for me; for me it showed the beauty of how the human body works as a more advanced machine.


  28. In the film ‘Man with a Movie Camera’, there was no storyline what so ever, but the film itself did help the audiences see that the people in the movie were developing new technologies and were starting a revolution. The man with the movie camera documented what urban life was like. Every scene had something new to say, and the people in the movie helped the viewers understand their emotions. There was several film techniques that we still use today in this society. One of them was when the camera was moving by itself. This was created by stop motion. In today’s society stop motion is used for animation. The music in this film went well with every scene because some parts were fast and some parts were slow. When the music was fast everything the camera caught was also fast. When the music was slow every else was slow as well. This was my first time watching this film and I really enjoyed it.


  29. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 09
    Student’s name: Stephanie Castillo
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%


  30. A man with a movie camera was a documentary film mainly catching peoples lives at hand. The first point was the train scene. The guy maybe looked as if he was going to hit by a train and the editing sequence is parallel to another scene. It was a kuleshov effect and the girl and guy are somewhat related to each other due to the plot sequence.
    The gate scene opens with a MS and in cinematic language is inferring that the crowd is either running away from trouble or if the common people are taking over the town and are bombarding the citzizens.
    The divorce scene is edited in a way to show time and spatial distant between the couple. The begginning shot is a three person shot that cuts into a single shot of each character. This kinda shows the irritation between the couple that got married and then divorced.
    All together the movie has unique editing techniques associated with it and was a semi boring film to watch but was educational in a way to watch different angles of the camera and how editing can make a big difference of how the film can be interpretated to the audince.


  31. The most interesting shot for me in this movie was the eye rapidly cut in exchange with shaky shots of the city. As I said in class I took it to mean there existed an immense array of shots and cinematic possibilities for the filmmaker to capture and the sheer amount of it all boggled the mind. Moving along with that line of thinking, the amount of shots in this movie and the variety is extremely impressive. The juxtaposition between life and death, divorce and marriage was interesting and the film showcased the ability of film in a time where it was still relatively new.


  32. Man With a Movie Camera is one of the most visually stunning films I have ever seen. Vertov’s use of split-screen shots and double exposed shots reveal an implicit genius in many shots. When watched alongside Vertov’s score, the rhythm of the film was incredibly breathtaking. The entire world of the film was driven by Vertov’s score. The city that Vertov used his camera to capture became a moving, breathing machine that ran like clockwork to the beat of Vertov’s drum. This pace drew me in, immersed me in the world, and left me questioning how Vertov was able to create something so moving. This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen, and one of the best films I have ever seen.


  33. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Patricia Brill
    Number of questions: 10
    Percent correct: 100%

    I know I was absent last week but I watched Man With A Movie Camera on my own. Anyway, this film is visually amazing. Its multiple uses of freeze frames, splict screens, double exposures, jump cuts, etc. show the various styles used in its editing and gives tasteful visual aesthetics. There wasnt really much of a story happening, making it harder for me to watch but it still helps the audience see what urban life is really like and gave off a documentary vibe. Even though I typically dont like these kinds of films, I find them very strange, I was able to appreciate the artfulness and its use of so many different edditing techniques.


  34. Man with a Movie Camera is a film that came to sort of chance some paradigms of film. The fact of it does not have actors and intertitles leads to the audience pay attention to other aspects, like the editing of it. This film has an amazing editing, using many techniques, such as double exposures and split screens. Furthermore, it is interesting the fact that this film is both an experiment and a documentary of Russian population in 1920’s. In addition, is important to pay attention that the film has multiple meanings. It can be considered, for example, a meta film, a feminist film, and a pro-Russian film.


  35. Quiz name: Looking at Movies, 4e
    Chapter Number: 10
    Student’s name: Sarah Smith
    Number of questions: 15
    Percent correct: 100%

    I like the part where we can actually see Vertov’s wife editing the film especially as she is working own mostly on a sequence we had not yet seen. Also I appreciated the film in the registers office, the way the married couple are see in the same shot and the divorcing couple each get their own shots.


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